9 Surprising Facts About Male Cats You Need To Know

Heads up, cat lovers! Do you want to learn some interesting facts about cats? One of the interesting facts we can learn from them is their gender. Of course, both genders are wonderful. But here, we will focus more on the interesting and unique characteristics of male cats that will surely surprise you! 

1. They are more likely to be left-pawed

Just like us humans who tend to be either left or right-handed, cats also have their dominant paws. And guess what? Some studies showed that male cats have a strong preference for using their left paw. The fascinating thing is, it differs according to their gender whereas female cats are more likely right-pawed!

2. They have a shorter life expectancy

Male cats are said to live one to two years less than female cats on average. But don’t panic! This might be a bit alarming to know, but the statistics are based only on the average and not on a fixed rule. While the actual reason for this is still unknown there are some factors like male cats tending to roam and fight more than females can be the reason why they have a much shorter life span. Whether a cat is always indoors or outdoors can also influence its life span. But more than the said factors, the way they will be cared for by the owners is a big factor in how long they will live, whatever their gender might be.

3. Neutered male cats tend to live more than the unneutered ones

According to a study, neutered male cats can live 62% longer than unneutered ones. The reasons are simple. Health factors! One is that neutered male cats are safe and completely excluded from the risk of testicular cancer. Also, neutered males tend to fight less than unneutered ones, hence lesser catfights which also results in a lesser chance to contract diseases that can be deadly. Why? Because these deadly diseases are often spread from the bites or scratches that are commonly obtained during fights. Therefore, cats who are less likely to be involved in a cat fight, the more likely they are to live longer…just like humans!

4. Most of the Orange cats are male

Have you seen an orange tabby? 80% of them are more likely to be male cats! But this is because of the x chromosome where the orange coat can be found. Female cats have two x chromosomes while male cats have x and y chromosomes. However, there can be an orange female cat, but this is considered exclusive. Since female cats have two x chromosomes, it requires two copies of genes to become orange, while males only require one. In short, to be able to have a female orange kitten, both parents should be orange in color.

5. Male cats are commonly called “Tomcat”

A group of female cats is called “clowder” and unneutered female cats are called “queens”. But not like female cats where there is a specific term used to describe them, male cats don’t have a specific one. But it is believed that a book published in the year 1760 called “The Life and Adventures of a Cat” tells a story revolving around a cat character which is named Tom who is very promiscuous. The book went very popular hence, unneutered male cats are now commonly called “toms” or “tomcats.”

6. A Male Cat’s Personality Influences His Kittens

Do you know that male cats can influence the way their kittens turn out? Studies show that even if male cats and their kittens have never met, male cats can influence their kittens’ characters. These findings suggest that the genes of the father cats have a lot to do with the kittens’ temperament, hence the bold and confident father cats tend to have bold and more sociable kittens while the shy and timid male cats produce the same kittens.

7. Male cats can kill kittens

This is something uncommon to domestic cats, but there are wild male cats that tend to kill kittens, even their own! There are various reasons, but one of these is that they often confuse kittens for prey due to their cute and small sizes. This triggers their natural hunting drive, which results in a horrible scenario. Another reason can be due to territorial competition.

8. Male cats have a unique mating call

According to some cat enthusiasts, there is a distinct sound a female cat makes when she’s in a state of wanting to mate. But male cats have a unique mating call known as “caterwauling”. This sound is made when they want to let female cats know that they are available. They also make these sounds to let the female ones know they have heard their mating call and also to let other male cats know their territorial presence.

9. Male cats are more affectionate

Female cat lovers might raise their eyebrows on this, but there has been a belief that male cats are more affectionate. There has been a survey conducted for veterinarians that showed a result where male cats tend to be more friendly and affectionate than female ones. It is said that male cats tend to like being cuddled and be pet. However, this can still vary depending on the factors that affect the cat’s behaviors such as individual personalities, early practice of socialization, and reproductive health.

Final Thoughts!

Though there might be some differences depending on the gender of the cats, what is more important is that we give them love, care, and support equally! Just like humans, cats also need these to survive regardless of sexual orientation. So, if you are planning to own a cat – or any other pet, be sure to be responsible enough, for their lives are as important as ours.


At The Lovable Cat, we believe that every cat deserves to be loved and cared about.

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