Can Cats Eat Edamame?

Instead of sharing a sugary treat like a marshmallow, you have decided to munch on a healthier snack. Regarding its green color, edamame might come to mind as an option. Consumed as a green vegetable, it is a popular side dish or snack in Asia, particularly in Japan. However, it is already gaining popularity as well in the West. Health food stores even offer different varieties, if you like it raw, roasted, or steamed. 

The primary diet of a cat requires meat so you might wonder, can cats eat edamame? Let us help you in deciding. Learn more about the things you should know before giving them a delicious snack. Be fully aware of its potential risks, benefits, and even the best way to feed it to them. 

What are Edamame Beans?

edamame beans

Edamame is a young soybean gathered even when they’re still in the pod. It is a soft tasty bean that humans love to munch. Adults prefer it salty compared to a child that loves its sweet flavor. There is a simple and quick preparation of edamame. May it be fresh, frozen, or canned. You can just easily have it boiled, steamed, or microwaved. In Asia, edamame is considered a traditional food or side dish. While in the US, it has an increasing demand as a healthy, vegetarian-friendly option. Some eat it raw, others use it as an ingredient for other dishes. 

Can Cats Eat Edamame?

To answer this shortly, Yes, cats can eat edamame. There is no poisonous or harmful content in the said beans. But there are several factors to consider before offering it to your pet. You have to be careful in considering the amount you give them. They can enjoy eating edamame in small amounts. A further discussion will explain this.

Is Edamame Good or Bad for Cats?

If your cat gets sneaky and reaches for edamame, you don’t need to panic. Maybe they are just bored and want something to fill their stomach. Edamame is rich in nutrients. It can provide adequate energy to your feline through its high fiber and protein content. Even the beneficial vitamins and minerals they need such as iron, calcium, and magnesium. Some even use edamame as a home remedy for a constipated cat. 

You can allow them to enjoy it as an occasional treat but observe the amount they are eating. A small handful of shelled and cooked beans is enough. Too much consumption of edamame might upset their stomach. Also, it contains high levels of phytoestrogens which might damage their kidney. Soybeans also contain isoflavones which can harm the normal function of their thyroid gland.

Nutritional Benefits of Edamame

White Cat

1. Protein

Edamame is packed with roughly 12% of protein. They are an essential nutrient for young cats and kittens for an energy boost. It is good to support your cat’s growth.

2. Fiber

Fiber can help in solving a cat’s digestive issue. But too much of it may also lead cats to constipation and diarrhea. So to get the best of it, a few edamame will maintain a cat’s healthy digestive system.  

3. Vitamins

There are a lot of vitamins a cat can get from edamame. These include vitamins A, C, and E which helps in their overall well-being. It helps to maintain their balanced diet and aids their immune system.

4. Omega Fatty Acids

Cats need omega fatty acids since their body cannot produce them on their own. They support joint conditions and serve as anti-inflammatory agents. Moreover, it is also necessary to soothe dry skin which nurtures healthy fur for them.  

Risks of feeding too much edamame to cats

1. Digestive Upset

Before feeding edamame to your cat, consider if they are prone to gastrointestinal problems. If so, seek your veterinarian’s approval before giving it. There might be several concerns about their digestive system. Since edamame is rich in fiber, it is recommended to be given as an occasional treat. A shelled edamame might cause them to have an upset stomach or constipation.

2. Allergies

Although there is a small number of cats who have an allergy to food. It is important to know if your cat is allergic to soybean. Observe if there is any reaction in their body after giving a small quantity. If there is a terrible reaction, it is best to seek your veterinarian. 

3. Diarrhea

A feline might experience diarrhea either because of excessive edamame consumption or allergy. A cat’s watery stool indicates potential poisoning, in this case visiting your veterinarian is a must.

4. Vomiting

Vomiting is another allergic reaction of a cat.

5. Choking Hazard

An edamame shell is a choking hazard for a cat. The hard shell is difficult to chew and digest which can upset their stomach. 

Tips for Feeding Cats Edamame

Feeding Cats Edamame

Here are some tips to observe so your fur friend can enjoy this delicious snack without any harmful risks:

  1. Check if your cat might have an allergy to edamame. 
  2. It is necessary to keep in mind to remove the shell of the beans.
  3. Steam the edamame beans before giving them to them. Simple is better in cooking it because too much salt or an additional flavoring is not suitable for their sensitive stomach. 
  4. Do not consider it as a part of their regular diet. Give them just a handful amount. Cats are carnivorous animals which means they don’t need many vegetables. 
  5. If you have observed any reaction after a cat eats it, visit your veterinarian. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can edamame be poisonous?

No, edamame is not poisonous. However, it may lead to a digestive concern if they eat too much or have an allergy to it. 

Does my cat like edamame?

Just like humans, cats have a preference for food taste. Some may find an interest in this snack if they are too hungry. Older cats find it less interesting since new food can also cause stress to their stomach. 

Can cats digest soy protein too?

According to studies, soy protein may harm their health. It can be too risky for them as it can block the enzymes that help on their digestion which may even lead to liver disease. 

How much edamame do cats eat a day?

You can give them a handful of it, just a treat to munch. Though, cat treats made for them are the best option. If you want a healthier option for them, raw carrots, meat, and salmon are good alternatives. 

What edamame are safe for cats?

Fresh produce edamame is better compared to those sold frozen. Most sold frozen edamame is already seasoned with salt. 


In conclusion, can cats eat edamame? Yes, but there are important things worth noting before sharing it. Make sure that they are not allergic to it. Even if edamame is a young soybean that is soft to eat, have its shells removed. Also, have it cooked to prevent digestion problems for your fur friend.

So, the next time you and your cat get bored, eating edamame is fine. It supplies nutrients that are essential to the body. But just like humans, introducing a new food might upset the stomach. Be alert, observe any unusual reaction or activity your cat may have after eating it and seek your veterinarian if needed.

At The Lovable Cat, we believe that every cat deserves to be loved and cared about.

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