Here’s The Best Cat Tracker For Your Wandering Pet

As much as we want to keep a tab on our cats all the time, there will be instances when they’re out of your sight. This is because cats are curious animals. Hence, cat owners might not be able to help but get worried about their cats’ safety, especially if their cats love exploring the outdoors. In this blog, we will find out the best cat tracker for your wandering pet.

What Is A Cat Tracker?

It was a lot more difficult to find missing cats before. Nowadays, thanks to technology, we have more options to locate our wandering pets, like a cat tracker. A cat tracker is a piece of technology that a cat wears so you can see where it goes. It is usually worn on the collar or the harness. 

A cat tracker is necessary if your cat tends to go out and explore a lot. If your cat is an indoor cat, a cat tracker is still highly recommended to keep a tab on your cat if something happens. Moreover, you might want to purchase a flower tree cat so your indoor cat can still get exercise and playtime inside the house.

Importance Of A Cat Tracker

It’s essential to get a cat tracker for your cat because according to the American Humane Society, around 10 million pets are missing each year. And very small percentage of the missing cats are able to find their way back to their owners. That being the case, a cat tracker will help you find your cat if your pet goes missing.

Another reason to have a cat tracker is it lets you monitor your cat’s movement. It will let you know if your cat is getting enough physical activity to keep them healthy. Indeed, a cat tracker helps you stay connected with your pet.

Aside from having a cat tracker, it’s also important to remember that cat nail clippers are not necessary for outdoor cats. The reason for this is they use their nails to climb and for self-defense. 

Here’s The Best Cat Tracker For Your Wandering Pet

Looking for a cat tracker to ensure your cat’s safety? Here’s the best cat tracker for your wandering pet.

Tractive GPS Pet Tracker for Cats

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This tracker can monitor your cat’s real-time GPS location. The tracker is durable, and waterproof, with a battery life that can last up to 7 days. Tractive GPS Pet Tracker utilizes 3 cellular networks for the best coverage. You can mark the areas where your cats should and should not go, and you’ll be notified if they’re out of their safe zones.
Tractive GPS Pet Tracker requires a subscription plan. The available plans are monthly, 1-year, 2-year, and 5-year plans. Other than monitoring their location, you can also keep a tab on their daily activities- their rest time, active time, and the calories they burn.

TabCat Pet Tracking Cat Collar Tracker System

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This cat tracker uses state-of-the-art technology to help you locate your cat and other personal belongings. TabCat Pet Tracking Cat Collar Tracker is an accurate tracker with high-quality and award-winning technology. If you have multiple cats, this will work for you because you can sync the remote to four cats. Another good thing about this tracker is they have no monthly subscription fees, just a one-time cost to monitor your pet’s location. They also offer 100% money back if you are dissatisfied with their product.

Girafus Cat Tracker RF Finder

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Cats can get to places that other cat trackers cannot locate. With Girafus Cat Tracker, you can be assured that you can find your cat wherever it may hide due to its radio frequency finder. It works great indoors and outdoors. This tracker has four tags and one remote, which lets you monitor up to 4 cats. The tags’ rechargeable battery life can last up to 30 days, and the tracker has a range of 500 meters. Girafus Cat Tracker has no monthly fee, unlike the other trackers.

Cat Tailer Cat Tracker

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This small and lightweight cat tracker can be easily attached to your cat’s collar. It’s one of the smallest cat trackers available that weighs 7 grams with a range of up to 100 meters. Cat Tailer Cat Tracker has no subscription fees. It also uses Bluetooth frequency to find your cat- you would be needing to use the app on your smartphone to locate your cat. The Cat Tailer application will tell you your distance from your cat, as well as its battery life. Its battery life can last up to 6 months.

Tagg GPS Pet Tracker

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Tagg GPS Pet Tracker is ideal for cats with multiple owners. Their app can be used by 6 people, so the users can be updated on their cat’s location and activity. It offers an interactive map that allows you to mark safe zones and will notify you via text and email if your cat goes beyond these zones.

The device has an accelerometer that lets you track your cat’s daily activity and progress. You can use the tracker by attaching it to your cat’s collar. 

Final Thoughts: Is A Cat Tracker Worth It?

No one deserves to lose their curious feline buddy. It’s normal for cat owners to be worried whenever their cat goes out and explores. The good news is we have a list of the best cat tracker to keep track of your cat’s location wherever they go. So is a cat tracker worth it? The answer is definitely yes! There are many reasons to get a cat tracker for your pet. Overall, it can strengthen your relationship with your cat, and it can also give you peace of mind when it comes to their safety.

At The Lovable Cat, we believe that every cat deserves to be loved and cared about.

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