Are Spider Plants Toxic To Cats?

Many of us love to have plants at home. Plants not only beautify our home, but it also provides other benefits. One of the usual house plants is a spider plant. This plant helps to purify the air, adds humidity, and is easy to take care of. 

As a fur parent, you might be concerned if the said plant can affect your cat. Are spider plants toxic to cats? Keep your worry away since the answer is NO. Even if cats adore spider plants, you still need to be attentive to their interaction with them. Continue to read this article to keep your feline and plant safe. 

What is a spider plant? 

Chlorophytum Comosum is another term for spider plants. It is a native plant of tropical and Southern Africa. Like a Bengal cat, this plant has a lovely pattern. They have medium green leaves with a white border, and their small leaves grow at the base. It is easy to take care of as it requires minimal maintenance. You can start by placing spider plants in a glass of water until they have roots. It is a perfect indoor plant because it grows according to the size of a pot. A study also shows that it helps to increase focus and productivity. 

Even those without a green thumb can keep a spider plant. A good amount of sunlight and a pot that drains well is enough. There is no need to give much attention to watering the plants. They are not easy to wither and can survive for several days without water. 

Why are cats attracted to spider plants? 

You might observe that your feline has an attraction to play with a spider plant. There are also instances where they take a bite of it. Listed below are some of the factors why they love it. 

  • Scent

We might not be able to smell it compared to cats’ sensitive sense of smell. The  fragrance from the spider plant might be an ideal scent for a feline. 

  • Dangling Leaves 

A spider plant has long dangling leaves that are known as spiderettes. The leaves can grow up to 18 inches long. It looks like a nice target which is perfect for them to practice. They might also find it as a good place to hide or entertainment. You might see your cat train its claws or rub its body at the plant. 

spider plant leaves
  • Hallucinogenic effect 

The hallucinogenic effect is the most strong factor why cats love spider plants. It consists of compounds related to opium. These plants are like catnip which triggers their wild and energetic behavior. There is a mild kick to felines after having a bite. 

Are spider plants toxic to cats? 

Are spider plants toxic to cats? The American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) lists it as non-toxic. There are no toxins present in it aside from the hallucinogenic effect. However, this might change if you are using a pesticide that could put risk to your feline. If so, best to keep your spider plant away from their reach. 

What Happens When a Cat eats a spider plant? 

Cats are carnivorous animals by nature, but they might have some cravings for greenery like edamame beans or spider plants. A spider plant may look like the grass in the wild that helps in their digestion. It is not harmful to cats to munch a few of them, but the high consumption of plants can cause digestive problems. Sometimes it can even lead them to vomit or indigestion. Aside from becoming energetic cats, they may also experience seizures due to their hallucinogenic effect. If this happens, it is better to seek a visit to the vet. 

cat eating plant

Even if spider plants are much by a cat, they can continue to grow. One of the factors why it is an ideal indoor plant. But if your feline ruins the plants, it is better to place it somewhere. In that way, you can also save the aesthetic vibe of the plant. 

Tips for Keeping cats away from the spider plant 

Your cat’s fondness for a spider plant might be out of control. They might try to continue to have a bite of it, which will ruin its beauty. Cats are also good climbers, so a more creative approach is needed to keep the plants safe. Check out some of the ideal tips you can do. 

  • Keep a separate room for your spider plants 

An effective way to keep your spider plants is in a place where cats can’t see them. They will not be attracted to or distracted by it. You can decide to place it outside your home. Another location you can consider is your bathroom. It will help maintain a high humidity as the doors are usually closed. 

  • Place citrus peels around your spider plants 

Instead of repellents which could be risky to your fur friend, a citrus peel is an option. It will keep your cat away, it will create an unpleasant taste in the plants when they try to eat it. It will also prevent them from getting near it again. You can also spray diluted lemon juice at the base of the plant. 

  • Hang the spider plants 

Remove any furniture or items that your cat can climb on. A high place to hang your spider plants that your feline can’t reach is better. If necessary, trim your spider plant so it cannot grow within the cat’s reach.

  • Put cat grass indoors

Cats love grass which is the reason why they are fond of spider plants. Cat grass will serve as an alternative for them. 

  • Keep them entertained

They might be too bored to get an interest to consider a spider plant as a toy. Buy them some cat toys they can spend some time with if you are busy. 


Plants at home add a relaxing vibe. Spider plants are not only good ornaments, but they also provide benefits to the environment. You need to be more creative to keep your fur friend and plants safe. 

Are spider plants toxic to cats? ASPCA lists them as non-toxic plants. So, the answer is a NO. Cats are attracted to it because of its scent, appearance, and hallucinogenic effect. There is no danger if they accidentally take a bite from it. Their digestive systems are sensitive, if there is an unusual behavior that happens after they eat it, a visit to the vet is needed.

At The Lovable Cat, we believe that every cat deserves to be loved and cared about.

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